Posts Tagged ‘ genocide ’

Conversation of Genocide – COMPLEX SKEPSIS

Torn from a normal life, thorns inside and forced to walk in lines.
In multitudes the Jews among others become destitute.
Desolation so wide spread this abomination consumes nations.
Is there not one single sympathetic soul that controls containment?
(:^(    “Sir, please help, sir? Can you spare some water and a few kind words?”
]:^o)  “Close your mouth and stay in line, keep marching towards your genocide!”
nauseating & grotesque

S.  Shipped in boxcar trains
O.  Obedientiary slaves
S.  Stripped of everything


H.  Habromania sets in when we try to lift our chins.
E.  Expansive imaginations create this atrocity
L.  Lallation loose enough as an excuse for the lapidated.
P.  Pabulum to my palette please, before I stave to death…
(:^(    “I am no less human than any of you, why must you do this to the Jews?”
]:^o)   “Dont be a fool and figure it out or you’ll get my gun barrel put in your mouth!”
morally reprehensible detestable and cruel

Removing clothes and all they own, left with less than stamps
pillage possessions and burning homes and now we’re off to camp
Assorted piles of clothing styles, proper and not fer tramps
packed up and taken back to be resold as we walk up the ramps
(:^(   “What will I wear? Its cold in here, the temp is low and so severe.”
]:^o)  “You don’t seem to learn to quick, how ’bout a reminder from my nightstick!?”
heinous & ineffable delectable to their libidos

They stand in groups afraid to move, then they pray the release date day is soon
worried that some one will shoot they dare not `stew` -their de-nied food
They gather close thin as ghosts that spin, twist and float
Sets and rows of hollow souls who will drowned in the moat
(:^(    “When can we go? We’ve all got homes we own to host, dont mean to boast.”
]:^o)   “No need to worry, I bet their burning, now concern your self with silent learning!”
unequivocal understanding

Their fellow Jew to frail to move, decrepit wretched dying shrew.
Their doomed except for a select few without room to improve.
True gloom sets in as socket s sink back, skin pulls in as dockets relax.
The new Tomb opens, unsecure the latch, no need to turn around now, no turning back.

(8^(    “We can barely walk or talk in `ShOcK`, and badly need some sandals boss.”
]B^0) “Then its as it should be, this isnt murder these are orders from the worlds new “Fuhrer”
offensively malodorous eternal bog of stench

Stacked on racks or wagons up in smoke ~We Chase The Dragon~
Enduring all this havoc they’ve ruined all our chances
Entranced in the enchantment caught in its entrapment
Necro-Prose imposed consequential collateral damage

(8^O)  “What is it that we’ve done to be shunned and on this end of the gun?”
]B^O)  “Your who you are and that’s enough, sit down now and SHUT THE FUCK UP!”
subliminally dysphemistic, offensive and devilishly delicious

Generations of Jewish patrons lie in gutters with their fates stationed.
Fixed in permanent placement the ferver of vermin invade to rape it.
Such a flagrant fragrance fascists seem to favor tastin’
Extermination of your race…  its flavor sweetly basted.

(X^O)   “………………….”
]B^[ ])    “Ha HA Ha HA”
deplorable malefactors… the whitlow of back scratchers

Martyrs for Darfur by Complex Skepsis

Martyrs for Darfur by Complex Skepsis

Breeding martyrs in Darfur to cut the strings off of puppets.
Cutting currency to barter makes you live with less than nothin’.
Now that this elections comin’ get set for an abduction,
Every heart thats hardened stares into the face of this corruption

Some may call it genocide, some may call it lies,
But theres simply something sick to see when you look into their eyes.
So look past whats advertised, realize that alls not fine,
Lines and walls we draw and build to keep our kills disguised.

The Sudanese funded the Janjaweed budget,
“The Devils on Horseback” a case of -whodunit?
As we slowly approach the end of slopes to the summit,
We reach the peak and now can see who seeks the golden nuggets.

These Crimes Against Humanity are vanity, thats pride,
Uncannily they starve the beings, they burn, curl up and die.
Unnerved by this type of learning curve this skirmish worsens lives,
They warp your mind and thin your blood, no relatives in sight.