Posts Tagged ‘ anger ’



Now let us go down to Hell; die at the bottom of earth so pale.
Later in the graveyard bend the bars, climb out now and spread our czar.
Then renown *inhale exhale*; live at the bottom worthless in Hell.
Early chaos avant-garde, time now that we take full charge.

They say the lives they live are hell.
Rinse the powerless populous in blood.
Wildly wicked warriors run, here they come check the “H.U.D.”
Because of blessings abroad we curse at the cross,
then attempt infection of your wretched God.
Creatures are just demons wanting to crash and ooze deep inside you,
then consume like food and refuse to allude.
Satisfied by the meal continuing degrading decay,
in the stench of death that’s pure as “X” and hexed various ways.
They becoming beasts craving quenching feasts,
harsh hormonal motives secrete emotionally.
Susceptible to assorted contagions of hatred,
that apply furious desires designed near pyres of flames and piles of waste.
Where webs are weaved to capture sheep for fornication,
while they weep themselves to sleep uncompassionately complacent.
Scrambling circuits and wires for fuel to the fire.
Conspire in hell on heresies that heed no greater being than Almighty self.
The charming carnal path that people love to have and hold till its out of control.
Its rewired! If you could orchestrate like actual oracles, end results appear.
Evil becomes obsessed addressing the absent, who’s ownership is void.
Free to enjoy self absorption just be as coy as you can with your conscience.
Refusing to believe in or even give an image of the invisible structure nobody sees.
It is known in Satan’s nation all are welcome to come and be recklessly insubordinate.
Reducing surface inhabitants to 0%, lava from below will flow across the plains
as we take hold of the reigns then call it Independence Day and celebrate.
They say it is wrong to proclaim you are Gods, I believe I disagree…I’m free.
Less than what’s deserved is what’s been served and called dessert.
The Black Arts applied with their Jack and Jim Honky shit worshipping Christ.
Hypocrites get exposed when info’s disclosed and well known.
Thinking demons in cages will learn to love, its not likely you’ll grow at all.
Cant forgive and forget all past regrets when paid dues evade you.
Torment us with hope and positive quotes, but we don’t buy this infomercial.
The numbers don’t lie like apologies made by those who hide their eyes
than say may the downward spiral be in style, hope the ride is safe.
Collective premonitions that the future cannot change,
cannot stay the way it is but still here we remain.
Your boasts of prideful lies inflate but don’t be proud, retreat.
Cause now we journey into Hell overwhelmed to calculate the beast.
Try to wine and dine if you like with a plan,
*but [[boulders block]] _smaller rocks_ turning them to sand…
Deserted, destroyed, destitute, dry, don’t dare deny dooms delights.
I offer ours with open arms with only one condition,
you take my side away from light, just sit and slightly listen.

Now let us go down to Hell; die at the bottom of earth so pale.
Later in the graveyard bend the bars, climb out now and spread our czar.
Then renown *inhale exhale*; live at the bottom worthless in Hell.
Early chaos avant-garde, time now that we take full charge.

Counterfeit – Complex Skepsis

Counterfeit – Complex Skepsis

Every one of your fake accounts rides my BIC,
your all plugged in tethered like appliances.
Feeding off my energy the synergy is high,
I’m finding small discrepancies within the circle -LIES

You’ll probably comment this piece of prose,
lovin the hell out of it to avoid being exposed.
Ghetto Soul Clones in a meadow of fake gold,
get a constant beat like techno and wrapped up like egg rolls…


That don’t stand for MESSAGE…
And I’m not planning peace…
Your not gaining leverage…
Or a percentage of anything…

Your superficial additives aren’t adding any flavor,
I’ll dissect your lines in layers player now call out for your savior.

You disgrace the sacred parchment acting like its basic paper.
You underestimate my shade of darkness, act like I’m a failure.

In time we’ll see just who gets what,
the cigar or the butt.
Who’s poetry will rise above,
and who’s stuck in the rut.

Your performance was so animated,
Fox within the Hens…
Now we all watch the closing lock,
for a permanent box where time is spent.

I remember the conversation,
every single one who was fake like a snitch you named ’em.
Molded their movement like claymation,
Frame by frame to test my patience.

You think your being sneaky
I see you miles out
why cant you just (B-..E-..Z-..)

I Know Why-

Cause you define a few words and you gotta keep your rep-


Stool Pigeon
Crippled Olympian